Thursday, August 15, 2013

Crazy Busy!

CRAZY BUSY! That about sums up the past month. Tim and I were discussing the next two weeks and the thought of sitting on an airplane for 14 straight hours without connection to email sounds absolutely wonderful! 

A lot of really exciting things have happened lately. First, our visas arrived! I had them delivered to me at work because no one would be home when FedEx delivered. I tracked that package all day and if you work with me, you witnessed a happy dance and a lot of laughter when they finally reached my desk. To be completely honest, I kind of freaked out! I am so excited!!!!!

Two Saturdays ago I ran my last race (for a while) with one of my best friends, Corie. It was for an awesome cause, raising money for the Julie Valentine Center. Check it out! Corie and I have been running together for a tad over two years now and she has helped me through a bunch of 5ks, 10ks and a couple half marathons. She is pretty fabulous. Although neither one of us achieved a PR, we had an absolute blast and enjoyed the fellowship – especially breakfast after the race at Tupelo Honey! Oh my YUM! 

This past Friday, we celebrated birthdays with a group of close friends. Tim and Corie share the same birthday so we went out to dinner to celebrate their awesomeness. We will miss Kaitie’s celebration in September, but I know she will be spoiled rotten! 

Kaitie and my good friend Melissa threw us a farewell party this past Saturday. It was great to see friends and former teachers that we haven’t had an opportunity to visit with recently! It made us feel VERY loved!

Saturday night, we went to Dave and Mary’s home. Dave works with Tim and has become a good friend. Since it was Tim’s birthday, Dave bought Tim a cake and sang to him - highlight of the evening! Well, that and his awesome pinball machine!

 Monday night was our last time with Darren and Poppy. They have been tutoring Tim and me in Chinese over the past six months. Poppy made jaozi, or Chinese dumplings. Tim has tried dumplings before, but never ate anything this authentic. I have been tasked with learning the art of Chinese dumpling making – he loved them!

 Less than a week until we fly up to Pennsylvania to visit family before the adventures begin! Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all that has to be done, but feeling incredibly blessed for all the good friends we made while making Greenville our home!

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