Monday, July 22, 2013

Decision Made

We have come to a decision. We made up our minds. After two years of talking about it, we are finally doing it. We are moving to China! Not in the way we thought we would or where we thought we would, but nonetheless it is happening. On Aug. 29, 2013, we are boarding a plane for Shanghai! Tim is getting his master’s degree. I plan on being a stay at home wife – until I find a job anyway.

Let me tell you how it happened.

On May 21, 2011, Tim and I were pronounced man and wife. 

Picture taken by the fabulous Lauren Fair Photography

We just graduated from college with degrees in international business and Chinese. 

Internships during our senior year of college turned into full-time jobs, so we made South Carolina our home. We didn’t plan on staying in the South; both Tim and I are Yankees. We wanted to move to China and use what we learned in college, but we did the responsible thing. We took the full-time jobs and worked our tails off, paying off student loans and saving as much as we could. At the time, I thought it was for a house, but God had better plans.

So we saved, saved and then saved a little more. And then, on Jan. 1, 2013, Tim and I sat down and discussed life. We discussed things we loved, like cake and Saturday morning runs in beautiful downtown Greenville,S.C. We discussed things we didn’t love, like radishes and, what felt like for me, wasted education. I wanted to use my Chinese again. (I lived in China for three years as part of my undergrad.) Tim said he wanted more education. To handle my issue we studied with a Chinese tutor. Problem SOLVED!  To handle Tim’s issue we are moving to the other side of the world! A bit more effort, but problem SOLVED!

So in a nut shell that’s how we came to the decision to move. Nothing life changing involved in our decision (except the actual decision). We just talked, and I am so glad we did! We are incredibly excited and blessed to be able to share this adventure with each other.

Welcome to our adventure!

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